Tropical Cyclones and Heavy Persistent Rain Arrangements
Weather conditions | Corresponding measures |
When Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.1 is issued | All schools are to operate as usual unless advised otherwise. |
When Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.3 is issued | Classes of kindergartens, schools for children with physical disability and schools for children with intellectual disability are to be suspended. Other schools are to operate as usual unless advised otherwise. |
When Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal Pre-No.8/ No.8 or above is issued | Classes of all schools are to be suspended. |
When Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 or above is replaced by Signal No.3 | Classes of all kindergartens, schools for children with physical disability and schools for children with intellectual disability are to remain suspended.
Unless previous announcement has been made to the effect that classes will be suspended for the entire day, other schools are to resume if Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.3 has been issued before 5:30 am (for AM and whole-day schools)/ 10:30 am (for PM schools). |
When Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.3 is replaced by Signal No.1 or when all tropical cyclone signals are cancelled | All schools are to resume with the next session unless previous announcement has been made to the effect that classes will be suspended for the entire day. |
Rainstorm Warning Signal | Corresponding measures |
Amber | All schools are to operate as usual unless advised otherwise. |
Red or Black | |
(i) Issued from 5:30 am onwards and before 6:00 am | Classes of AM and whole-day schools are to be suspended all day.
Students who have not left for school should stay home. Schools should implement contingency measures and arrange staff to look after the students who might arrive and ensure that conditions are safe before allowing students to return home. |
(ii) Issued from 6:00 am onwards and before 8:00 am | Students of AM and whole-day schools do not have to attend school that day.
Schools are required to keep their premises open and implement contingency measures to look after students who have arrived at school. If students learn about the class suspension announcement on their way to school, they should decide whether to proceed with their journey to school taking into consideration the rain, road, slope or traffic conditions. Students who have already arrived at school should remain in school until it is safe for them to return home. |
(iii) Issued from 8:00 am onwards and before 10:30 am | AM and whole-day schools should continue the lessons until the end of normal school hours and ought to ensure that conditions are safe before allowing students to return home. |
(iv) Issued from 10:30 am onwards and before 11:00 am | Classes of PM schools are to be suspended.
AM and whole-day schools should continue the lessons until the end of normal school hours and ought to ensure that conditions are safe before allowing students to return home. |
(v) Issued from 11:00 am onwards and before 1:00 pm | Students of PM schools do not have to attend school that day.
PM schools are required to keep their premises open until the end of normal school hours and arrange staff to look after the students who have arrived at school. They ought to ensure that conditions are safe before allowing students to return home. Students of PM schools who have not left for school should stay home. If students learn about the class suspension announcement on their way to school, they should decide whether to proceed with their journey to school taking into consideration the rain, road, slope or traffic conditions. Students who have already arrived at school should remain in school until it is safe for them to return home. AM and whole-day schools should continue the lessons until the end of normal school hours and ought to ensure that conditions are safe before allowing students to return home. |
(vi) Issued from 1:00 pm onwards | All schools should continue the lessons until the end of normal school hours and ought to ensure that conditions are safe before allowing students to return home. |
- In case of tropical cyclones affecting Hong Kong and sudden adverse weather conditions when schools are in session, announcements of class suspension will be made by EDB via the radio, television or mobile application “GovHK Notifications”.
- Parents could exercise their discretion in deciding whether or not to send their children to school at the time of inclement weather conditions. In this case, parents should apply for leave for their children according to normal procedures.
- In exceptional circumstances, EDB may announce the suspension of classes in a particular district or certain districts. If this is the case, students whose schools are located in such district(s) as well as students who live in such district(s) need not go to school.
天 氣 情 況 | 學 校 應 採 取 的 行 動 |
發出一號熱帶氣旋警告信號 | 所有學校照常上課。 |
發出三號熱帶氣旋警告信號 | 所有幼稚園、肢體傷殘兒童學校及智障兒童學校均應停課; 除非另行通知,否則其他學校應照常上課。 |
發出八號預警/八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號 | 所有學校均應停課。 |
三號取代八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號 | 所有幼稚園、肢體傷殘兒童學校及智障兒童學校均應繼續停課;除非事前已公布所有學校須全日停課,否則其他學校應按下列安排恢復上課:
假如三號熱帶氣旋警告信號在5:30 am前發出,上午校及全日制學校應恢復上課。 假如三號熱帶氣旋警告信號在10:30 am前發出,下午校應恢復上課。 |
一號取代三號熱帶氣旋或取消所有熱帶氣旋警告信號 | 除非事前已公布所有學校須全日停課,否則學校應恢復上課。 |
暴 雨 警 告 信 號 | 學 校 應 採 取 的 行 動 |
黃色 | 除教育局特別宣佈停課外,所有學校照常上課 |
紅色或黑色 | |
(i) 在5:30 am至6:00 am前發出 | 上午校及全日制學校應全日停課。
學校應實施應急措施並安排人手照顧可能返抵學校的學生; 同時在安全情況下,方可讓學生回家。 |
(ii) 在6:00 am至8:00 am前發出 | 上午校及全日制學校均無須上課
學校必須確保校舍開放,同時安排應急措施,照顧已返抵學校的學生。 如學生在上學途中獲悉停課,宜觀察雨勢、道路、斜坡或交通情況,以決定是否繼續前往學校。 已返抵學校的學生應留在校內,直至情況安全才回家。 |
(iii) 在8:00 am至 10:30 am前發出 | 上午校及全日制學校繼續上課,直至正常放學時間為止; 並須在安全情況下,方可讓學生回家。 |
(iv) 在10:30 am至 11:00 am前發出 | 下午校停課
上午校及全日制學校應繼續上課,直至正常放學時間為止; 並須在安全情況下,方可讓學生回家。 |
(v) 在11:00 am至1:00 pm 前發出 | 下午校學生無須上課。
下午校必須確保校舍開放,同時安排人手照顧已返抵學校的學生;並須在安全情況下,方可讓學生回家。 未離家上學的下午校學生應留在家中。 如學生在上學途中獲悉停課,宜觀察雨勢、道路、斜坡或交通情況,以決定是否繼續前往學校。 已返抵學校的學生應留在校內,直至情況安全才回家。 上午校及全日制學校應繼續上課,直至正常放學時間為止; 並須在安全情況下,方可讓學生回家。 |
(vi) 在1:00 pm後發出 | 所有學校繼續上課, 直至正常放學時間為止; 並在安全情況下,方可讓學生回家。 |
- 如在上課時間內天氣情況可能因颱風逼近或特殊情況而急劇轉壞,教育局將透過電台、電視台及香港政府一站通手機應用程式公佈學校須即時停課。
- 在熱帶氣旋或持續大雨影響期間,雖然天氣情況未必導致所有學校停課,但家長可能因其居住地區的天氣、道路、斜坡及交通情況惡劣,決定不讓子弟上學。學生如因上述理由缺課,家長則應依校方規定手續為學生請假。
- 在特殊情況下,教育局可能會宣佈某些地區的學校停課。在該等地區居住的學生,即使就讀於另一區的學校,亦無須回校上課(例如教育局宣佈上水區學校停課,雖然元朗區學校無停課,但住在上水區的學生也無須回校上課)。請家長留意本校所在地區(元朗區)以及住處所屬地區的名稱。