Reimbursement Policy for MOOCs and Local University Courses


Students are welcome to enroll in MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)
at any time. We recognise three platforms:,, and

MOOC Reimbursement (maximum 8 courses) will be provided for the
verified certificates of the MOOCs offered by edX, Coursera and
FutureLearn. Parents may submit the following to Mr Jimmy Chan via the
Google Form to apply for reimbursement:

    1. A softcopy of the certificate of completion
    2. the receipt with the payer’s name, amount paid, date of purchase

          and title of the MOOC clearly stated
    3. the credit card statement which shows the payers name, the amount paid

         and the date of the transaction for the purchased course (to avoid

         differences in currency conversion)
For subscriptions, students can be reimbursed for the number of months
that corresponds to the length of the course. For instance, if the course
lasts 6 weeks, the College offers to reimburse a maximum of two months’
subscription fee.
If the above documents are not provided, the application for
reimbursement will be rejected. If students wish to be reimbursed for a
course that is over US$150 (or equivalent), they should first seek approval
from Mr Jimmy Chan before they make any payment for the course.
Students should send an email to Mr Jimmy Chan (

Link to the reimbursement form for the academic year 2024/25:


A one-off $1,000 subsidy is available when students have completed
courses hosted by local universities. Please use this form to apply for
the subsidy:
